Saturday, July 5, 2014

Dinan, France

Dinan is another medieval walled town we visited on our trip through Normandy, France. We only stayed for about an hour and were able to take in a few sights.

The most visible sight (aside from the basilica) is the Tour de l'Horloge, a clock tower in the middle of town. First built in 1498, the bell was given by Anne of Brittany in 1507. We did not hear it chime nor did we climb the tower, though all the guide books recommend the view from the top.

View of the tower as we walked in

View of the tower from the church

Timber frame houses are all over the city, giving it a charming, old-world feel.

A house by the tower

Nice detail work on the house

A market street with covered walkways and charm to spare!

More timber-frames in another street

The Jacobin Theater from 1224 looked interesting if a little more classical than its homey neighbors.

Jacobin Theater

Some of the street decorations are fun regardless of the surroundings, like this door knocker and a random statue of a bishop.

Knock if you dare!

A random bishop

 Occasionally streets have some extra decorations, like this portal into the Hotel Beaumanoir.

Tall vehicles not welcome!

Other recommended sights that we didn't see were the town walls and the castle, but time was short for our quick visit to Dinan. We did see the main church, which will be the next post.

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